Give us a call (856) 345-1200

At Atlas at Woodbury, our Orthopedic Care program is dedicated to providing specialized services designed to address orthopedic conditions and support your journey towards restored mobility and an improved quality of life.

Begin your orthopedic care journey
with a thorough assessment by our
experienced team of specialists


Identify the specific needs of your orthopedic condition, whether it be joint replacements, fractures, or other musculoskeletal issues. Collaborate with our rehabilitation experts to create personalized plans tailored to your orthopedic needs and goals. Utilize a combination of physical, occupational, and specialized therapies to enhance strength, flexibility, and overall functionality.

Orthopedic Care Services:

Post-Surgical Recovery:

  • Receive dedicated support for post-surgical orthopedic care, including joint replacements and other orthopedic surgeries.
  • Engage in rehabilitation programs crafted to optimize recovery and ensure a smooth transition back to your daily activities.

Pain Management Strategies:

  • Benefit from our pain management protocols, ensuring that your comfort is a top priority throughout the orthopedic therapy process.
  • Explore a variety of pain relief techniques to enhance your overall well-being.

Assistive Devices and Adaptive Techniques:

  • Learn and master the use of assistive devices and adaptive techniques that enhance your mobility and independence.
  • Our team is dedicated to providing education and support to ensure you can navigate daily activities with confidence.

Benefit from our pain management protocols, ensuring that your comfort is a top priority throughout
the orthopedic care process, including specialized rehabilitation programs and prosthetic therapy
designed to support amputees in regaining mobility and confidence.

Give us a call (856) 345-1200

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